📢 PAPER 1 - Essay topics (last updated: 11/10/2024)

Hi guys, if you want to start practicing your UEC essay, here are some essay topics for you to choose from! 


💡 The Covid-19 pandemic has brought upon a lot of impacts, one of them being the inability to socialise with each other. Hence, in your opinion, how can people regain their ability to socialise?

💡 In light of the recent “Shu Fen’s partner versus the public water dispenser” case, it is apparent that anger management is a huge challenge for youngsters nowadays. As a fellow youngster, discuss the anger management techniques that you would suggest to young people to curb their hot temper.

💡 Will A.I. replace humans?

💡 Will A.I. replace artists / musicians?

💡 The advantages and disadvantages of A.I.

💡 Is A.I. dangerous?

💡 The world is spinning too fast, and as a result, many people are plagued with a myriad of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, to name a few. Please suggest ways in which such mental health problems can be solved.

💡 Why do youngsters pose a higher risk of having mental health problems?

💡 Technology is one of the many reasons behind the increase of mental health patients. Do you agree?

💡 Is life-long learning a prerequisite to success?

💡 Is life-long learning important to high school students?

💡 Suggest ways to promote life-long learning among teenagers.

💡 As a Malaysian, how would you cope with inflation?

💡 What has your country done to cope with inflation?

💡 Can electric cars replace traditional cars?

💡 Are electric cars practical in Malaysia?

💡 Can electric cars help lower our carbon footprint?

💡 Why should the youth participate in our country's election?

💡 We should study smart instead of study hard. Discuss. 

💡 Compare and contrast life in the city and life in the country.

💡 Compare and contrast camping and glamping.

💡 What are the effects of war? 

💡 The haze is a serious problem which adversely affects our health and the clean environment of our country. Discuss the causes and effects.

💡 Nowadays, women in modern countries are seen taking positive roles in sports, education and politics and in society as a whole. This is because of better education and greater awareness of their rights. Do you agree? Support your view with reasons.

💡 Young people of the competitive age of today often complain that they do not have enough time for work and leisure. Compare and contrast the lifestyles of the young people of today with those of yesteryears and what affect them most. Suggest ways to help the young people now to improve their lifestyle.

💡 What do you think is the invention that has the greatest impact on our lives?  

💡Many students want to further their studies overseas, but some students intend to study in local institutions. Compare and contrast the benefits of studying overseas and locally.

💡Bullying is a major problem in schools. Discuss how we could prevent bullying in school.

💡Some students complain that they have assignments to do and refuse to participate in outdoor activities. Discuss the effects of not participating in any outdoor activity.

💡 Malaysia experienced a drought season recently. Explain the effects of water shortage.

💡 Some adults say that children are overprotected nowadays. Do you agree with the statement? Give your opinions.