When I was just a little girl, I asked my mother: "What will I be? Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?" She smiled and said to me: "You can be a pilot; you can be an astronomer; you can be scientist, a baker, or a mother. The sky is the limit, do not tie yourself to this or the other." With her wise words in mind, I grew up with rosy dreams of conquering the world, of becoming a tough businesswoman and a loving lady. As time flies by, I watch as my girl friends start to go into different directions. Some chose the gentle embrace of motherhood, whereas some chose the high-flying life of careers. I, on the other hand, decided to choose both. With the introduction of feminism into the society and the advancement of human rights, women nowadays are presented with more opportunities, so I think it is nonsensical to suggest that women should have to choose between staying at home and working, let alone be deprived of any choice even after she gets married. Hence, I believe a woman's place is not just in the home. There are four reasons why I think a woman's place should not be limited to the home, and they are an increase in self-esteem, a signal of reliability, an indicator of independence, and a freedom of choice.
The first reason why I think women should not be limited to the home is because it provides an increase in self-esteem. Self-esteem is of utmost importance as it refers to one's confidence in one's worth and abilities. It encompasses the beliefs that one has over oneself, and it can impact one's performance greatly. Women who are able to leave the household and seek validation from a healthy external environment may be more grounded in person because their self-esteem has been elevated in the workplace as well as at home. Consequently, they will become more confident in themselves. Moreover, it is important to remember that women are humans as well, and mental health for all genders is highly significant in the progression of human life. Thus, with women having legitimate power in the workforce, it brings about a heightened sense of accomplishment, which in turn motivates women to pursue their goals in life and become psychologically fulfilled human beings. More importantly, with happy parents, the children will have a higher chance of becoming successful and mentally sound human beings as well.
The second reason why I think a woman's place is not limited to the home is because it sends a signal of reliability. Women who are granted a spot in the workforce indicates that she can be relied upon by other people, and when she performs exceptionally well in her field, her reliability is higher. Granted, women who choose to become housewives are also reliable, and I am not saying that a woman's reliability is determined by her choice to stay home or go out into the workforce. However, what I am saying is that a woman's reliability has a chance to increase when they have recognition from the society. Additionally, as aforementioned in the previous paragraph, a recognition from an external force provides internal validation within, which could again serve as a catalyst to boost women's confidence.
Another reason why I believe a woman's place is not limited to the home is because it is an indicator of independence. Independence in this context means financial independence. In the 21st century, financial independence is crucial for everyone. Women who have financial independence can afford their own expenses without seeking any from their loved ones. They do not have to feel guilty for spending some money on themselves because they are spending from their own pockets. Furthermore, their expenditures do not have to be approved by anyone other than themselves, and this feeling could consequently contribute to their own self-worth.
The final reason why I believe a woman's place is not limited to the home is because it is a freedom of choice. More specifically, women have the right to choose to go to work, and no one can prevent them from doing so. According to research, women do make up an essential part of our industrial fabric, and yet there are still some women who are deprived of their rights to employment. By providing women with the freedom to choose what they want to do with their lives, not only does it foster a sense of stability on the financial front, it also establishes their self-identity as human beings. Thus, it is only fair that women should have the same right to choose employment like any other human.
In conclusion, I think a woman's place should not be limited to the home because the prospect of allowing them to choose employment may provide an increase in self-esteem, a signal of reliability, an indicator of independence, and a freedom of choice. I do recommend every woman out there to understand the significance of having a choice, and I hope the government could establish an outlet for women to get more education on their rights as a human. Before I end this essay, it is imperative to note that I am not against women who choose to stay at home, rather, I am advocating for women to have the right to choose whether they want to stay at home or go to work. I believe every woman should choose what they think is best for themselves, and as long as they do not go down extreme routes, I think we may be one step closer to a more egalitarian society.
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Authors: J, K Rollin'Vocabulary
1. embrace: 拥抱
2. feminism: 女权主义
3. nonsensical: 荒谬的
4. self-esteem:验证 自尊
5. utmost: 最大的
6. encompasses: 包含
7. validation: 验证
8. elevated: 提升
9. progression: 进展
10. legitimate: 合理
11. accomplishment: 成就
12. pursue: 追求
13. recognition: 承认
14. contribute: 贡献
15. prevent: 防止
16. advocating for: 倡导
17. egalitarian: 平等主义